Performing an assembly verification test (red food coloring test) verifies that your system has been assembled correctly, and that there are no internal leaks in your system.
- The red food coloring test is only designed for Black Berkey® Elements and NOT for ceramic or other filter elements. This test is also not recommended for the Sport Berkey® water bottle.
- When performing the test, we recommend using the food coloring included in the Berkey Filter Priming Kit (FPK), McCormick’s red food coloring or any artificial food coloring. Acceptable food color ingredients include water, propylene glycol, FD&C Red 40 and FD&C Red 3, and propylparaben. Avoid using food coloring that is not red, or contains citric acid, sodium benzoate or natural ingredients such beet juice, turmeric, etc. Using organic food colorings will result in a false failed test (stating that your system is not sealed correctly).
- The red food coloring test should be done after priming your Black Berkey® Elements.
Performing the Test
- Start with an empty system (upper and lower chamber) and remove any Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements (if installed). Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements must be removed prior to performing a red food coloring test in order to stay in compliance with the six-month warranty on Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements.
- Add up to 1/8 teaspoon (10 drops) of artificial red food coloring (must be red) for every gallon that your Berkey® System can hold into the upper chamber. Use the food coloring included in the Berkey Filter Priming Kit (FPK), McCormick’s red food coloring or any artificial food coloring. Acceptable food color ingredients include water, propylene glycol, FD&C Red 40 and FD&C Red 3, and propylparaben. Avoid using food coloring that is not red, or contains citric acid, sodium benzoate or natural ingredients such beet juice, turmeric, etc. Using organic food colorings will result in a false failed test (stating that your system is not sealed correctly).
Place a cup under spigot and drain water. If dispensed water does not have a red or pink hue, this indicates that the elements are sealed and system has been assembled correctly.
This test is meant to confirm that the system was assembled as intended.
If water drained from system has a red or pink hue during the assembly verification test, repeat the procedure again in this manner to determine the source of the leak:
- Place the upper system chamber only (with Black Berkey® Elements installed) on top of same-sized cups or jars, each positioned so that an element can drip water into it. This will help you identify which blocking plug or element may be leaking.
- Fill upper chamber with water and red food coloring as directed above.
- Allow system to filter water. Check the color of water expelled from the elements. If water color is clear, your system is ready to use. If red dye is still present, reinstall the element(s) or blocking plug(s) where leaking occurs and re-run test.

If the system continues to fail the test, consider these troubleshooting tips:
- Are the wing nuts on securely? Please do not tighten the wing nuts using any tools; they should be hand tightened to a snug fit, but not more. If the wing nuts are on too tight, this could cause stripping on the threads of the stem, preventing a correct seal. If you have inadvertently stripped the threads on your element, please contact our Customer Service Center for assistance at 888-803-4438.
- Are you using actual “red food coloring” or another color or type of color? Red food coloring is the only type recommended for this test.
- Is the washer for the stem inside the upper chamber and is the wing nut secured at the bottom? If the washer is on the outside of the chamber with the wing nut, you will not have a proper seal, which will cause your system to fail the test. Place the washer on the inside of the upper chamber and re-run the test.
- Are the blocking plugs properly sealing the unused holes without elements? There are two types of blocking plugs that could have been included with your system: a single push-in style plug, or a screw-together plug with multiple pieces. If using the push-in style plug, make sure they are inserted far enough not to be loose and allowing water to pass through. For the screw-together style, please check to make sure the plugs are installed tightly with a washer on each side. If the plugs are leaking, this will cause the system to fail the test. Tighten the plugs more securely and re-run the test.
- Are you re-testing an element that you think may have failed the test? If so, rinse off and re-prime the element first. Additionally, make sure you pour any excess water out of the bottom tank. Also, if you are using the lower chamber to catch water, run clean water through the spigot to clean it out as well. Now you are ready to repeat the test.
If you’ve done everything and still have an element that fails the red food coloring test, please contact our Customer Service Center at 888-803-4438. Black Berkey® Elements have a two-year prorated warranty. For more information, please refer to our Warranty and Return Policy on our website at