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Potassium Iodate
Recent news indicates that Nuclear Power plants, over 100 in our country, could be at risk from a terrorist attack. Couple this with the Chernobyl reactor incident in April 1986 in Russia and the Fukushima reactor incident in Japan in March 2011; both of which unexpectedly released radioactivity into the air, ground and water. A […]
Can I filter boiling water through the Sport Berkey® for making hot tea?
Hot water can break down the element and compromise its efficiency, so we recommend that you first filter the source water through the Sport Berkey® then afterward boil the filtered water for your tea.
Do you make a fluoride reduction filter for the Sport Berkey®?
Unfortunately we do not make fluoride reduction filters for the Sport Berkey® . Fluoride is very difficult to extract once it has been introduced into the water supply and it requires a large amount of media to remove just a small amount of fluoride. Currently, it would require that most of the room within the sport […]
I am having difficulty drawing water out of the straw of my new Sport Berkey®. Is something wrong?
On occasion, the straw in the cap becomes pinched. Many times you can actually see where the straw has become stuck together internally. You can fix this very simply by doing the following: -Open the cap so the straw is sticking up. -Grasp the straw with your thumb and index finger, at the point where […]
Can I put my Sport Berkey® in the refrigerator?
Yes you can refrigerate the Sport Berkey®, but don’t let it freeze as freezing could expand the pores within the filter element and could compromise the integrity of the filter element.
What is the capacity of the Sport Berkey®?
The capacity of the Sport Berkey® is 22 oz. We recommend replacing the filter after 640 refills of municipal water. Filter may require replacement sooner based upon the quality of influent water.
I have a generic Sport Berkey®; does it work the same as a regular Sport Berkey®?
Yes, both bottles function identically; the only difference is the generic version has no silk-screening on the exterior of the bottle. The generic versions of the Sport Berkey® filters have been designed for missionaries and relief organizations, where it is critical to keep costs to a minimum.