The washers are made of food grade Neoprene Rubber. However, keep in mind that the washers never touch the filtered water.
All posts by berkeyadmin
Will the Black Berkey® Elements remove kerosene?
Petroleum based products are some of the easiest to remove from water. The Black Berkey® Elements have been tested to reduce the following petroleum contaminants up to 99.9%: Gasoline Diesel Crude Oil Kerosene Mineral Spirits Refine Oil For complete lab results on the Black Berkey® Elements, click here However, please keep in mind that it […]
Do the Black Berkey® Elements remove lithium?
It is our understanding that Lithium is an alkali metal, found in Group 1 of the Periodic Table. Lithium can be very reactive when exposed to water. Current testing of this potential contaminant has not been conducted, at this time.