FD&C Red No. 3, which was banned in 2025 in the U.S., is not included with Berkey Water Systems.
All posts by berkeyadmin
Berkey Light® Chamber Replacement Advisory
Berkey Light® water filtration systems have undergone many changes, as new tooling is required after a certain number of molded parts are made. Not all of the molds are the same, and therefore not all of the upper and lower system chambers are interchangeable. The most recent molds for the Berkey Light® system were changed […]
Do Berkey® Water Filter Systems Leach Aluminum Into Your Drinking Water?
The answer is NO—Berkey® water filter systems do NOT leach aluminum into your drinking water. Click the link below to read and download our extensive article (.pdf) that explains more about Berkey® water filter systems, and the differences between aluminum, alumina and activated alumina—three terms that people often incorrectly (and sometimes irresponsibly) use interchangeably when […]
Why Berkey® Products are Not Available in California
Berkey® products are not for sale to residents of the State of California. NMCL acknowledges that common-sense regulations are valuable in protecting the public, especially when it comes to issues so essential as clean drinking water. However, when regulations become extreme, they can do more harm than good. In our opinion, this has become the […]
Do Berkey® Systems Remove Volcanic Ash from Drinking Water?
Volcanic eruptions are some of the most visually stunning—yet terrifying and destructive—natural disasters on planet earth. Lava can reach temperatures in excess of 2,000° F and destroy everything in its path. While lava is typically contained to within about 100 miles from the eruption, volcanic smoke, gases and ash can darken the sky and travel […]
Why Does Water Look Cloudy After Filtering Through Black Berkey® Elements?
A small number of customers have reported that their water (which was clear before filtering) appeared cloudy after filtering it through Berkey® systems equipped with Black Berkey® Elements, and in conjunction, some experience a very slow flow rate. NMCL sells a large number of Berkey® systems and replacement Black Berkey® Elements globally each year, yet […]
Do Black Berkey® Elements Reduce Bromate?
Bromate is a disinfectant byproduct that is formed after bromine reacts with chemical oxidants such as ozone. This process can occur during the treatment of drinking water. While New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. has not conducted specific testing for bromate, our expectation is that reduction of bromate should occur for the following reasons: Bromate (BrO3-) is […]
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Harm Black Berkey® Elements?
Hydrogen peroxide is versatile compound that can be used as an oxidizing agent, a disinfectant, an antimicrobial agent, a bleaching agent, and more. It is also commonly added to drinking water for disinfection purposes and to remove pollutants. While New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. has not conducted specific testing for hydrogen peroxide, our expectation is that […]
Do the Black Berkey® Elements Reduce Dioxane?
Dioxane (also known as 1,4-dioxane, diethylene ether, and diethylene dioxide) is a chemical used as a solvent in industrial products such as paint and pesticides. It can also be found as a trace contaminant in consumer products such as shampoos, detergents and cosmetics. Drinking water can become contaminated by dioxane via manufacturing plant discharges or […]