Most people use a pitcher to pour water into the upper chamber; however, if you have a spray hose on your sink, using it to refill the system is a very convenient method.
Articles Tagged: Product
Can I use the Berkey® system with softened water?
The Black Berkey® Elements are designed to remove heavy metals, but will not remove mineral salts, which are added by a water softener. The salt used to soften water will not be extracted by the Black Berkey® Element. You can use one of our filtration systems on a regular basis by bypassing your water softener […]
What is the Micron rating of the Black Berkey® Elements
With respect to the micron rating, NMCL does not use or publish a micron rating for the Black Berkey® Elements for the following reasons: There is much confusion with respect to nominal and absolute micron ratings. An absolute micron rating is one that states the maximum pore size expected within an element. The nominal micron […]
Black Berkey® Element Specifications
BLACK BERKEY® ELEMENT SPECIFICATIONS Specially formulated to address 200+ typical contaminants found in tap water and other freshwater sources. Our unique Black Berkey® Elements are made from a proprietary blend of media, and are backed by independent third-party testing. The gold standard in gravity-fed water filtration, authentic Black Berkey® Elements are capable of greater contaminant […]